THE EAGLE DANCE from Sunday 13 until Saturday 19 of may 2018
The Eagle Dance is one of the seven ceremonial rites in Native American tradition among which are also the sacred pipe and the sweat lodge.
We dance for 2 days and part of the night. We dance to honor the wheel of the 5 directions. 2018 will be particularly connected to the SOUTH direction.
The energy of the south is connected to the fluidity of water, the proper circulation of emotions and the flow of the heart so that our inner magical child can embrace the world and the Great Spirit with open joyful hearts in trust and innocence.
The eagle is the feminine part of the Majestic and the condor is its masculine part. These animals were and are worshipped in the ancient traditions, especially with the Native Americans. They portray the higher qualities of the human, qualities like Vision and Determination that are both necessary to forge our inner force and make us walk the path of consciousness.
Why do we dance?
We dance to create a space and time necessary to connect to one self and to do some serious but joyful soul-searching and we dance to offer our gratitude to Life.
We dance to honor our link with our allies, especially with the animal kingdom (a new animal you can connect to during the shamanic voyage or an animal you are already connected to) but also with our allies from the other reigns: mineral, vegetal and human.
We dance every year to realign ourselves with our destiny (“ming men”) and to shed , like a snake, our old and useless skins that stop us from growing and fulfilling our destiny. To reinforce our personal power, to identify our demons (zones of suffering in our personality) and to alchemise our resulting ways of behaviour.
We dance to receive healing for ourselves and for the collective (the earth Pachamama, the sky , our family, people in need, the 5 reigns,…).
During this dance, we offer our effort, our emotions, our alimentary fast (it is possible to eat fruit and drink water and tea) and our prayers.
Through the shamanic teachings issued from the body of knowledge of the “Twisted Hair People”, we will experience at first hand the wheel of directions and we will purify and reconnect ourselves during the multiple sweat lodges (sacred sauna).
During this great collective celebration, we can transform our ways of being that our negative and repetitive for us. The sweat lodges and the dance help to restore our vital energy, our well-being, our enthusiasm, our sense of solidarity and cooperation and our sense of connectivity. We can re-establish an intimate relationship with our true inner-self and gain in consciousness as to how we are truly connective beings, connected to the human, animal, vegetal and mineral reigns. In short: O Mitakye Oyasin; We are all connected.
320 euros for the ceremony, 50 euros for children and 0 for children less than 3 years old.
380 euros for accommodation (6 nights, food included)
Please note that the participants need to stay on site during the whole of the ceremony.
There’s the possibility to arrive earlier on the site but this needs to be informed and payed directly to the owners of the accommodation site.
“Les maisons de Chanteoiseau” at Sigonce (04) in France
One payment needs to be made by cheque directly to SUNELEUSIS. It will be cashed the week following the ceremony.
One payment needs to be made to CHANTEOISEAU and it will be cashed in February as a way of reservation.
Please note that there will be no refund possible; no matter which date or whatever the reason because the costs of the reservation of the accommodation and the organisation are very substantial.
You need to send the 2 cheques together with the inscription form to the following address:
- La Collégiale
- 28 Rue de Cachepiou
- 38150 Chanas
- France
If you want more information, you can always call us : +33 (0)6 87 25 03 38